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ESG Ratings

ESG Ratings

ESG Ratings

JB Financial Group has achieved total ‘grade A’ in the ESG evaluation conducted by Korea Institute of Corporate Governance and Sustainability(KCGS) in 2023. In addition, it has been chosen to ‘Good ESG Companies(Finance)’ in the「2023 KCGS Awards for Best ESG Companies」. Going forward, JB Financial Group will examine and improve the group's sustainability level by systematic response to external ESG rating.
JB Financial Group has achieved total ‘grade A’ in the ESG evaluation conducted by Korea Institute of Corporate Governance and Sustainability(KCGS) in 2023. In addition, it has been chosen to ‘Good ESG Companies(Finance)’ in the「2023 KCGS Awards for Best ESG Companies」. Going forward, JB Financial Group will examine and improve the group's sustainability level by systematic response to external ESG rating.

1. KCGS (Korea Institute of Corporate Governance and Sustainability) ESG evaluation rating result

1. KCGS (Korea Institute of Corporate Governance and Sustainability) ESG evaluation rating result

2020년, 2021년, 2022년, 2023년 KCGS (한국기업지배구조원) ESG 평가등급 정보를 제공합니다.
CATEGORY ESG Integrated Rating Environmental Rating Social Rating Governance Rating
2023 A A+ A A
2022 A A A+ A
2021 A+ A A+ A+
2020 A+ A A A+

2. MSCI (Morgan Stanley Capital International) ESG evaluation rating result

2. MSCI (Morgan Stanley Capital International) ESG evaluation rating result

3. CDP(Carbon Disclosure Project) evaluation rating result

3. CDP(Carbon Disclosure Project) evaluation rating result